What is OUR role?

By November 12, 2020Chiropractic

Today is November 12th, 2020.  Eight months ago, my family was stuck in Orlando as the world was shutting down.  We had decided NOT to get on a cruise ship two days before departure but decided to stay in Orlando and enjoy the city. Our hotel, a booming Embassy right next to the Disney parks, was at 10% occupancy.  Imagine Universal Studios as a ghost town…  It was eerie, to say the least.  The parks were shut down the day after we attended. The underlying doom of knowing what a spring break destination turned ghost town truly meant to our economy was starting to break me down and we quickly ended up renting a car and driving home from Orlando.  It was the longest drive of my life while the unknowns were weighing heavy. 

Fast forward eight months and here we sit.  We sit on more unknowns, more uncertain futures, more potential restrictions, more limits.  If you know me well, you know that I am a very futuristic person and I hate unknowns!!!  I mean, with all my being I hate to NOT have a plan.  

SO, for all of you planners…. Let’s make a plan!  Yep, you heard me.  We are going to make a plan to move forward in these crazy times.  What can WE do? What is our part and our role in our health and what things can we know to be true. 

Truth #1
We practice acceptance.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

Our first action step is the Serenity Prayer.  This is an important prayer in my life and I have said this more in the last eight months than ever before, but it is true.  There are a lot of things I don’t want to do.  There are a lot of things I don’t think we should HAVE to do, but at this very moment in time, some choices are out of my control.  So, we practice acceptance.  We change what we absolutely can control and be a good example to others on the difference between what we can and can’t control.  Easier said than done, but it can be part of our plan to practice. 

Truth #2
We do all of the things…

The things we do control?  Our own health.  Our health outcome is completely up to us and we can actively work towards more optimal health choices every day or we can get lazy and just depend on those masks to keep us safe.  I know I am harsh, but we all need a little truth.  I hope you know I am saying this all from a place of love. Dr. B and I are wearing masks in the office with every patient, every single one. But we know that solely wearing a cloth mask will not protect us from getting sick. Masks are not an excuse to live an unhealthy lifestyle and make unhealthy choices, I want you to really dig down inside and think that through. The mask conversation is irrelevant – the key here is either way, you can take an ACTIVE role in every choice you make. 

What can you do?  ACTIVE role…

  1. MOVE and exercise every day.  I don’t care if you walk.  I don’t care if you lift.  Just move!  Your body depends on it and your brain depends on it.
  2. The research we have on a chiropractic adjustment boosting and elevating the function of the immune system is EXTENSIVE.  Keep your appointments.  Keep your nervous system functioning optimally.  Stay the course. 
  3. Each fruit and veggies every day and limit sugar, grains and dairy.  Each good quality protein sources and do your best to use your food as fuel for your body.  Need help with this?  Just ask.

Truth #3
November isn’t ‘flu season’, it is ‘our body is run down’ season.

What are the series of events that happen near October 31st and continue through the first of the year?  It is cold outside so we start moving inside out of the sun, we start crushing the candy and chocolate (or sugar in general) and we usually move into holiday gathering season.  Where we typically indulge in a few more alcoholic drinks, a few extra desserts and a few more of the “after new years I will get back on track “  These are all things that can impact our immune system and typically leave us more susceptible to getting sick.  This year, let’s plan to be more conscious of our choices.  A little more aware of our behaviors and a little more prepared to battle this winter so we can prepare our bodies for the best possible outcome. 

Truth #4
Daily habits create successful outcomes. 

Let’s plan to take the supplements that we KNOW are impactful to our immune systems, and even more specifically, impactful for preventing and reducing severity of Covid.

The things that we know are daily supplements that can create a better outcome are

  1.  Vitamin D3 K2
  2. Support with Zinc, Quercetin, NAC or Glutathione and Vitamin C

We have these supplements in the office in two forms.  I can’t encourage you enough to create a plan to add in these supplements every day to your diet.  Questions about these?  We could go on for days so just shoot us an email or ask in the office. 

Truth #5
Ultimately, you can’t always control the outcome, but you can control your reaction.

Let’s make a plan to always remember, you determine the outcome  You control your reaction. Your friends, family and loved ones are always watching. Remember that Serenity prayer we just discussed?  Yeah, me too.  Be a leader.  Be supportive.  Help others.  Encourage others to take an active role in their health and be kind.  I have seen some dark places come out of the shut down and I am terrified of long term effects, so please… be kind and love others.