Vacation Tips From Dr. Niki

After being home three days from El Salvador, I worked a full day Thursday, then my crew met me at the office and we caught a quick 60 minute flight to Chicago. We hung out with my parents and I saw my 20th Jimmy Buffett concert live at Wrigley Field.  If you know me well, you know I am a huge parrothead, I love Chicago and I’m a diehard, lifelong cubs fan; so Jimmy at Wrigley is totally my jam.  But here is the kicker… I JUST got back from El Salvador and still wasn’t recovered from our outreach trip, which meant I had to stay super consistent on my health habits while in Chicago.

I thought I would share some tips with you in case you ever feel this way with lots of travel in your summer and maybe you feel like you just can’t get back into your healthy habits?  The key is to not get off the wagon, IF you can help it. And if you do… Well, don’t throw in the towel. You can get right back on! Check it out…

The first thing I did before leaving for the airport was to check Mark and the kids to see if they needed an adjustment.  Yep, of course you could guess that. You can imagine a quick travel trip in a new city requires a lot of adaptability – if you’ve ever heard me say the phrase ‘do you need an attitude adjustment?’, that is no joke!  I have found my entire family is more laid back, less stressed, more fun with no “ailments” if we have clear, optimally functioning nervous systems.  So, my suggestions is to make your last stop out of town this office!!!

Clear nervous system ✔

Next, I got up early while my crew slept in on Friday and got my fitness on.  I did a hotel workout – my favorite ‘deck of cards’ workout in the hotel gym.  It is the best way for me to begin my day and it gives me a healthy kick along with a little me time.  Just give it a shot. While your family is sleeping just slip out and do some exercise – something to get your muscles going, heart pumping and endorphins rushing.  You will thank me for the suggestion. “I regret working out” is one of those things said NO ONE EVER!  Ha.

Exercise ✔

Now, the healthy eating train has to continue, even on vacation.  I avoided my biggest guilty pleasure – the “I have no food rules since I am in an airport” saying… I steered clear of Ben and Jerry’s and the pretzel stand (which I don’t typically indulge in, but dang, they smell SO good!) I ended up walking around Chicago Friday morning while my family slept in and found this amazing organic coffee and juicery –  it was the perfect start to the day! A juice shot of tumeric, lemon, kale and cayenne pepper and a grande organic coffee. My suggestion is to make choices you would make at home… Salads, meat, veggies and fruit – pick a cheat meal and rock it, but don’t go crazy. My cheat meal was Nuts on Clark and I got the cheddar and caramel popcorn mix.. It was so good and #worthit.

Healthy eating (with a vacation mini cheat) ✔

My final suggestion is, according to BJ Palmer, the developer of Chiropractic,  Rule #9- Don’t take yourself too damn seriously and have FUN!  Live life, enjoy yourself, be present with your friends and family and make memories.  I danced for 2 1/2 hours at the Jimmy Buffett concert, sometimes the ONLY one in my section dancing, with a Cheeseburger hat on my head… Oh, and I can’t even use a little liquid courage as an excuse, because I haven’t had an alcoholic drinks in years… Just pure fun. I felt relaxed, blissful and free.  And will never forget that.

Dr. Niki