124th Anniversary

By September 17, 2019Chiropractic

Today marks the 124th anniversary of the entire chiropractic profession. 

On September 18th, 1895 – D.D. Palmer gave a deaf janitor named Harvey Lillard the very first chiropractic adjustment and restored his hearing, and just like that a profession was born.  OUR profession; the very profession that we have served and honored for over 10 years, day in and day out in our practice.

As I sit here and think about how I want to discuss this very special day, so many thoughts are passing through my mind.  What is it that YOU (our fabulous patients and readers) want to know?  What will interest you? Well, read on and you may get a little insight of just how our brains work…

{Throwback to our Chiropractic Anniversary Celebration 6 years ago at the old office! This is how big of nerds we are – Dr. Niki is wearing a shirt that has B.J. Palmer on it, and Dr. B’s has D.D. Palmer! D.D. was the one who gave the first chiropractic adjustment, and his son, B.J. made chiropractic into the large, world-wide profession it is today!}

We live in a world that wants quick fixes, a pill for a cure, and solutions resolved instantly. This is a contrast to our profession which respects and honors the inborn healing potential of our bodies that we were so beautifully born with, called Innate Intelligence. Trust me, I get it; I am far from a patient person!  But, lesson learned here, there are no quick and easy fixes. Healing takes time, even in a crazy fast paced world.  Time is always of the essence!

Our responsibility to carry this message is BIG and let me tell you… it can be difficult to put faith back in simplicity. With the large amount of chronic disease, cancer rates, and illness; often times it can be hard to truly believe our bodies are capable of healing.  But we are here to tell you, from the healing we see in our office and from colleagues around the globe, our bodies are capable of SO much more!

We have so much faith in our profession. We have proven principles, we have an amazing collection of research (in case you didn’t know we have SO much research!), we have evolved and transformed and never have we felt the need to add more services to do for our patients. What we mean by that is we don’t want to be the ‘jack of all trades’, we strive to be the very best at what we do.

We have felt the need to specialize in the top two bones of the neck, be MORE conservative on when and where we give the adjustment and trust more than ever that YOUR body has the most amazing ability to heal and restore your health.

The key here is that we are thinking about YOU all of the time.  We are bettering ourselves, our technique, our neurological understanding always for YOU.

On this historical day; we are so thankful for D.D. Palmer and his decision to give that very first, life changing chiropractic adjustment.  We are so thankful for the passion that continues to grow deep inside of us for this amazing profession, so we can keep you positive and full of hope as your body utilizes TIME to heal. And we are extremely thankful for your continual and whole hearted support as we serve this amazing community.

We are also excited to be celebrating an important milestone for our Restore family, a sign that we are able to help and serve even more people in our community — the second anniversary of Restore Chiropractic – Elkhorn with Dr. Stephen Stinn! He is celebrating this milestone with an anniversary party Thursday, September 26th. 

This will be fun for the whole family – kids activities, bounce house, a wildlife encounter, food and drinks! We invite you to join us in celebrating this milestone!

Check out the Facebook Event Here! 

– Dr. Niki and Dr. Bethany