There are many reasons people choose to keep getting their nervous system checked after their issues have resolved…
they want to keep those problems from returning,
they want to prevent headaches,
they want to handle stress better,
they like the better sleep and increased energy…

But what most people report is the improvement they’ve seen in their immune system with chiropractic care.

Especially this time of year, it’s important to focus on the immune system. We’re already hearing about nasty viruses, sinus infections, the flu, and stomach bugs… and it’s only October!

What we want to share with you, is the strong connection between chiropractic care, the function of the nervous system, and the immune system.

The immune system and nervous system are closely connected…. like literally, connected.

There are many nerve endings found in the tissues of the immune system. The central nervous system is linked to both bone marrow and the thymus, where immune cells are produced and developed; and to the spleen and lymph nodes where those cells are stored.

Changes in the central nervous system alter immune responses. When the nervous system is not functioning well and in a hyper stress-response state, this drastically decreases the function of the immune system. Chiropractic adjustments are shown to bring the body out of the hyper-stress response state, and therefore boost the immune system.

If you’d like to read more about this connection… please check out some of our blogs that we’ve written:

Back to School: Let’s Focus on the Immune System

What are the Benefits of Seeing a Chiropractor?

5 Signs You’re Not Taking Care of Yourself Well Enough

If you’d like to explore further that a potential issue with your nervous system could be affecting your immune system, CLICK HERE to schedule a free consultation so we can chat with you. We’d love to see you get the same benefits that our patients have already noticed!