Self-care… it’s not all mimosas and chocolate cake.

The term self-care has been used a lot lately, and I’d be the first to admit that we use it a lot around here also. While we’ve referred to it as giving yourself some “you” time and pampering yourself – that’s a part, but not the whole picture.

I saw a quote on Instagram (@briannawiest) that shared a new perspective on self-care and I thought it was fantastic and wanted to share a portion with you…

Self-care is often a messy, unbeautiful thing.

Hear me out…

It is doing the things we know we need to do to be the best version of ourselves. Sometimes it is spending a few hours in the kitchen on the weekend to make sure we have planned, healthy meals for ourselves. It is waking up early to get a workout in while everyone else is sleeping. It is turning off the TV, and making the choice to read a book that will help you become a better version of yourself.

Self-care shouldn’t be something that we need to resort to because we are absolutely exhausted. It shouldn’t be used to escape our unchanging, bad habits. But often times what do we resort to when we are exhausted and stressed? Mimosas and chocolate cake, anyone? Alcohol and food binging are at the top of the list.

It’s learning how to stop trying to “fix yourself” and start trying to take care of yourself.  Self-care should be the steps we take, making the right choices, and building a life we don’t need to regularly escape from.

It’s not running from your problems… but facing them head on.

I want to share what this means to us… facing problems head on.

We see this in terms of people taking multiple medications to deal with a variety of symptoms. One for sleep, one for reflux, one for anxiety, one for chronic pain, and another for headaches. It may seem like the ‘easy fix’ but we are really running from the fact that we know our bodies are not functioning at their full capacity. They aren’t the best possible version of themselves that they can be.

It’s time to stop running from these problems and figure out why. Why is your body not functioning well? Is it lifestyle choices? Is it a physical problem that is causing this? Is your body suffering from years of being overworked, run down, stressed out, and neglected?

This is why we perform thorough testing focused on the spine and nervous system to see if physical issues with these areas could be causing this dysfunction of your body. We help women get these physical problems back on track; and help, support, and encourage them to make better choices in other areas of their health and lives also.

CLICK HERE to set up a free consultation and see if we can help your body function better, at its full capacity. We’ll sit down, ask you some questions and also have you ask us questions. If it’s a good fit, we can pursue spine and nervous system testing to determine the cause of dysfunction.

We are here to help support you in the beautiful; but also (and more importantly) in the messy, unbeautiful parts of self-care too.

– Dr. Niki & Dr. Bethany