Member Spotlight – Jim Buchanan 

I have seen chiropractors in the past and always respected the profession. However, I hadn’t been seen in several years and noticed that I had a decline in my stamina, posture, and overall health.  In  mid-2017, I decided to stop in simply because it was close to my office.  From day one, I have been treated like family.  Dr. Niki, Dr. Bethany and Hannah each took an interest in my goals from day one.

I was actually educated on what the adjustments were intended to help with. I was also educated on how simple out-of-office changes could also help.  Their focus on reaching your personal goals is what has stood out to me more than anything.  They care as much about what you do when you leave the office as when you are in their direct care.

Since 2017, Restore has helped me reach may goals, even when I have had set backs.  I had some very significant events occur that had a tremendous impact on my stress level and overall health.  Dr. Niki and Dr. Bethany went above and beyond in not only helping me with chiropractic adjustments, but had lent that listening ear when I needed it most.

I can honestly say that I am happier and healthier as a result of their efforts and level of care.