This phrase may look familiar to some-  it is positioned on the wall above our coffee station at the office.  For those of you who know us well, you know Dr. B and I are lovers of all things coffee! But the sign was a “must have” in the office because the idea of ‘Less is More’ was actually the title of my thesis paper for the Academy of Chiropractic Philosophers five years ago.  It is the foundation of our understanding of how the human body heals, expresses life and a Chiropractic adjustment plays a role in that process.  

See, we don’t heal you. YOU heal you.  

We are working with your healing system, this amazing inborn wisdom within the body that just happens to be expressed through your nervous system and has the potential to be interfered with. 

How?  Well, when the nervous system can no longer adapt to all the stresses in your life, this lack of adaptation is a sign of interference and we can help. And this lack of adaptation can show up differently for everyone. Sometimes it’s expressed as headaches, trouble sleeping, pain, anxiety, or digestive issues. 

We (or a chiropractic upper cervical adjustment) are simply removing interference to the system and allowing your body to do it’s thing – TO HEAL! Think of an adjustment as giving your body a nudge – in Chiropractic Philosophy, we call this an enticement to your innate intelligence (that awesome thing that is working with your healing system). The coolest part, sometimes your body doesn’t need that nudge – and we have the technology to be monitoring that every step of the way. That’s why LESS is MORE. Your body does an amazing job of healing with these “nudges” and doesn’t require all the extra poking, prodding, or pills. 

  Keep up all the healthy habits you are doing on a daily basis to keep your body healthy – you are amazing and so is your body!!  That amazing intelligence inside of you wants nothing more than to help you continue to heal and adapt to all the junk coming at you (called LIFE).