How Chiropractic Helps With Mental Health Issues

This is a topic I have trouble condensing into a 90 minute presentation, much less a blog post. So I really want to give you the ‘nuts and bolts’ and get to the point…

Mental health illnesses are increasingly prevalent and 50% of adults will develop at least ONE mental health illness in their lifetime, and much more so in women. These mental illnesses can be debilitating, and potentially deadly. So it’s no wonder there’s a dramatic rise in anti-anxiety and antidepressant medication use.

Use of these medications are common, but recent research has found that they aren’t as effective as originally thought and come with serious side effects. The most probable reason they aren’t effective is they target a neurotransmitter deficiency, which has long been labeled the “cause” of anxiety and depression, but has actually been disputed by research. Valenstein, MD from University of Michigan states, “although it is often stated with great confidence that depressed people have a serotonin or norepinephrine deficiency, they evidence actually contradicts these claims.”

What has been shown to play a major role in the cause of anxiety and depression is chronic inflammation. These inflammatory molecules have even been shown to bypass the blood brain barrier, which is a barrier protecting the brain from molecules and potential toxins in the blood. This inflammation can decrease the firing rate of neurons and contribute to depression and anxiety.

Many daily habits can help decrease chronic inflammation within the body. Nutrition, exercise, and self-care strategies are extremely important; but where chiropractic comes in is the connection between stress, the nervous system, and inflammation.  

Typically our body goes into a ‘fight or flight’ or stress state in response to physical stress. Think of what happens when the car in front of you suddenly stops and you have to slam on your breaks. This is the stress response – heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, you become much more reactive, and enter this ‘survival mode’.

However in today’s society, instead of just physical threats – this same stress response is activated by social threats or perceived threats. Let’s take a minute for this one, our body doesn’t actually have to be threatened – it just needs to think it is. Perceived stress comes from work, deadlines, family stress, social media, relationships, busy schedules, LIFE!

If our nervous system isn’t well equipped to handle and process this stress, it will leave us stuck is this chronic stress response state. And you know what comes right along with stress response… that’s right, INFLAMMATION! So if our bodies aren’t processing stress effectively, our bodies will perpetually trigger inflammation, and this inflammation will affect the brain and contribute to anxiety and depression.

What we look for are specific problems with the nervous system that hinder your body from processing this stress (or perceived stress) effectively. There are misalignments, particularly in the upper bones of the neck, that directly contribute to this chronic stress response state. When these misalignments get adjusted, that allows the nervous system to process stress better, and takes you out of the stress response state — and also lowers inflammation!

One last cool (and somewhat nerdy thing) is these adjustments also increase neuroplasticity. This fancy word means that your brain actually re-wires and changes the engrained patterns of perpetually entering a chronic stress response state. Your body is better able to handle stress long term, and because of this people see dramatic improvements in the symptoms associated with anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and other mental health illnesses.

Because after this whole big long explanation, that’s the most important part – improvement in the aspects of mental health illnesses that are debilitating and potentially deadly.

If this information could benefit you or your loved one, please read the following testimonials of patients in our office that have seen tremendous improvements in their quality of life because of chiropractic care. And reach out to us, ask us questions, and if you choose – we will walk you through the initial steps to getting your nervous system checked.

“After going through a lot of moving and painful divorce and stressful job I had found myself recovering from depression, anxiety, brain fog and weight gain. I found my anxiety had been focused on certain areas of my life. Walking my dogs was an anxious time as so many times other people had allowed their unleashed dogs to attack us.

Driving around Omaha and on the interstate was to be avoided as people drove so badly or were driving distracted. I had made a choice on not pursuing my career as felt unable to drive on the interstate every day. I was becoming borderline agoraphobic, due to bad experiences with people.

After a lunch and learn I thought I would take the opportunity to seek treatment through Restore Chiropractic Center.

After just a few weeks I felt my anxiety decreasing and my confidence building. My posture improved and I have the Restore posture guides up as a constant reminder.

I became very mindful of my diet, increasing my water intake and embraced the daily stretches. I was so happy with the improvements I saw, both physically and mentally, I encouraged my mother to get Chiropractic care where she lives. I would recommend anyone to Restore Chiropractic Center, as I hadn’t realized how much of my life I had lost until I started to get it back.” – Michelle S.

“Since starting my treatment, I feel a dramatic decrease in anxiety. I feel more focused, able to function, not obsessed with crazy thoughts, and finally a light at the end of the tunnel. I can honestly say these doctors and their treatments saved my life. I could not be more thankful for all of this, and finally finding something that is above and beyond what any medication has ever done for me. Thank you!” – Meg C.