Nine years ago today, after an up all night bathroom paint job to get our inspection passed, we opened the doors of Pearson Chiropractic for the first time to the public. We were on a mission to impact the health of families in Omaha, driven simply by passion and NOT the knowledge to run a business!

Today and everyday, we feel so blessed to continue to share our passion with world.

To my family… This office has been a second home for us. Claire, our middle child was ju

st a couple months old when we opened. A few years later Kyler, at just two weeks old, was right back up at the office with me seeing patients. My kids and Mark have practically lived here, especially in those early days. But the amazing part, my kids know this is more than a job. They have witnessed some of the amazing patients we have worked with over the years. They also know the importance of their own chiropractic care, and have reminded me at times they need to come to the office to get checked.

To the greatest team members on the planet… 90% of the team members that have worked for us over the past 9 years are still patients. We have witnessed marriages, pregnancies, births… you name it. I still remember when one team member made her first stop to the office to tell me she was pregnant. My heart has never been so joyful… and folks, she was told she would never get pregnant. Its an honor, after all these years, you still choose us as your family chiropractor.

To the greatest doctor in the world; Dr. B… I still remember the interview before you graduated Chiropractic College and thinking you would be a perfect fit. This summer marks 8 years and I truly believe opposites attract and we make quite the duo!! Thank you for still laughing at my jokes and listening to my slightly over the top stories and putting up with my mess. Of course, I will continue to get excited about your love of broadway musicals and Harry Potter!!

To our practice members... Those who choose US every visit- to serve you and your loved ones and share your heart with us in return- some who drive by twenty other chiropractors to see us. As we are always evolving to bring you the latest and greatest research this profession has to offer. From the bottom of our hearts, we consider you family and love witnessing the perfect expression of Innate Intelligence in each of you… Free of nerve interference and expressing 100% of life.

To our followers and community members… those who have witnessed; watched, come to a Refuge event; Ribfest, and other fundraisers. We are so incredibly grateful for you. Thank you for supporting us. Thank you for recognizing our efforts to give back to this community. The future looks so bright and full of amazing opportunities to serve.