What I love is listening to a patient explain, in their words, what they are experiencing, feeling or ‘understanding’ about Chiropractic.  We had some video testimonials filmed in the Spring and it really captured the uniqueness of what patients experience in our office.  Check out Bailey- a vibrant, full of life, spunky young woman that shared her thoughts on camera.  Along with her headaches and back pain, she saw immediate digestive changes after starting care.  Pain she has had since she was young!
Bailey, you rock! Because of your words, I KNOW that someone in our community who is suffering and ready to give up, will hear your voice on film and make the decision to call.  You just created a ripple effect!!
If you watch this video and are inspired to see if you can be helped by our type of care; please give us a call.  There is no better time than now! 402-933-1933.
-Dr. Niki