I want to share with you my favorite story from a busy second day here – our group was able to check 800 people today!Yesterday, we saw a little boy who was two years old and struggling from various physical and developmental issues. His mother told us he had an incident last year where he choked on something and as a result went into cardiac arrest, had decreased oxygen to the brain, and suffered from brain damage. Any parents worst nightmare, right?!This sweet boy’s head was stuck tilted to the left, and he remained in this position for most of the day, was understandably very irritable and slept poorly. He was checked and needed adjusted in the upper cervical area. Well today we saw this little boy again! And his mother was in tears when she told us about him. He was actually holding his head upright, he was very content and happy, and he slept through the night last night! His eyes seemed more open, bright, and alert. She was ecstatic! (and so were we!) The second coolest part? We checked him today and he didn’t need to be adjusted – he was still holding his adjustment from yesterday and his body was in a good, healing state. (insert my heart exploding here!)
Now I know this is a dramatic and amazing story, but these are the changes a body can make when the nervous system is working properly and our body’s innate wisdom can work at full force!
Needless to say, I’m looking forward to tomorrow!
Hasta Mañana! – Dr. Bethany