FOMO is out; JOMO is in.

By December 18, 2018Uncategorized

Oh, leave it to Lululemon, my favorite clothing store to give me some words of wisdom.  I saw the word JOMO on Lulu’s Instagram post and of course, I was intrigued. It sure looked a lot like FOMO. If you aren’t familiar, FOMO stands for the fear of missing out. And as much as I feel absolutely zero amounts of FOMO in my life, I know the struggle is real for a lot of people.  

Lulu’s post said:

“FOMO is overrated.  You know what’s in? JOMO – also known as the Joy of Missing Out – and it feels amazing.”

YESSSSSSSS… Because if I have learned anything from the fabulous 2018, it is worry less about what others are doing and be here… in the present.  Have you thought about your 2018?  Oh man, this year has been different.  I committed to being home. I committed to being super present at all times with the kids. I committed to not worrying about what others are doing… And guess what?  I had a blast!!

Listen to your gut – because I promise, if your gut is making you question a decision, nine times out of ten, it is right!!  Trust it – trust YOU and live your life. In a world of social media that allows all lives to look quite dashing, stop comparing.  Stop watching and start listening to those around you.  I removed the Facebook app from my phone and am rarely on it.  This has allowed me so much mental freedom of living my life and no one else’s.  Want to give it a shot? I would love to hear how it feels after a couple months!!!  Keep me posted, would you?

FOMO is out; JOMO is in.  EnJOY missing out on things that don’t make you a better version of yourself. Be present this holiday season and make some serious memories. Dr. B and I are so grateful that you have been on this life journey with us… Because you have touched our hearts in ways we could never put into words.  

Merry (early) Christmas and Happy Holidays,
Dr. Niki