Attitude of Gratitude

By November 10, 2015Gratitude

I had just finished a brutal WOD (workout of the day) at Crossfit and had this peaceful moment… the air was warming up, the sun was shining, the music was blasting, I was sweating my behind off and I just paused.  I realized how grateful I was for the opportunity, in my life, to enjoy this killer workout.  How grateful I was that my body allows me to do these crazy workouts without breaking (Thank you chiropractic and Dr. Bethany); that my Claire was sitting on the gym floor, waving and so proud of her momma for finishing the workout.  Let’s face it, at one point, it probably looked as if I wasn’t going to make it!!  Just completely full of gratitude.  And that got me thinking… How important is our attitude?  How important is our outlook on life on determining how healthy we are?  How important is it to PAUSE in life?Untitled

The above picture was taken a few months back from our front office window as we started our day.  Aaaahhhh.  Doesn’t that make you want to pause?  Every morning I see that sunrise, I am so thankful for the beauty of life.  Life is going to throw curve balls at us.  Life will give us challenges.  Life could give us pain and grief.  But, in the midst of all of LIFE, if we could just PAUSE for a second, we would realize there are a lot of things to be grateful for.  The more we focus on what is right, rather than what is wrong, our attitude will change.  Our physiology will change, our posture will change and we just may realize that life is going exactly as planned.  Maybe not how we plan it, but the blueprint that someone bigger than us might have planned.  When we accept life on life’s terms, be grateful for what we have, we are completing that puzzle of our health.  Rounding out all aspects of our life so we can experience life to the fullest and the healthiest!  If we are constantly RESTORING your nervous system to work at its fullest potential, can you imagine how much more of your potential you can reach by giving your body the absolute best opportunities to be well!   ENDLESS possibilities.  Now, let’s get it and get you reaching those possibilities.

Inhale LOVE, exhale GRATITUDE.

Until next time, PAUSE.  Dr. Niki