Typically when someone hears the word “Chiropractic”, what do they think of? Well, I can tell you what I think of, but that is not what comes to mind to the general public! They might think of back pain or neck pain. Or maybe just a “crack”. What if I told you that was the furthest thing from the truth?
If we could time travel for just a minute and revisit a historical moment. Revisit the room on Brady Street in Davenport, Iowa on September 18th 1895, where DD Palmer delivered the very FIRST life changing chiropractic adjustment, we would have witnessed a man’s hearing completely restored. YES, I said hearing!!! Did you know that?
With that very first adjustment, the chiropractic profession was born! Soon after the very first school, Palmer College of Chiropractic, was opened by DD Palmer in 1897.
I am fortunate enough to say that Palmer College is my very Alma Mater. I have such a respect for the history of chiropractic and love sharing it with our practice members. Without boring you all too much, we celebrate the “anniversary” week to appreciate what our founding fathers did. The sacrifices they made to be able to practice chiropractic, because let me tell you, they were NOT welcomed by the medical community and they did NOT have it easy! Some were jailed, innocently, for practicing medicine without a license. A new found understanding of healing was not accepted easily.
It is our mission and purpose on this planet to continue to share chiropractic and carry on the work that our founders started. See, we are up against giants. When I say this, I don’t mean Chiropractic VS. Medicine: we are not against medicine at all! I would love for everyone in the world to know that fact. What we are up against is people thinking that all we do is treat low back pain. That is our biggest enemy. We have such a bigger purpose! Miracles happen in our office every day and THAT is what we want people to know! The power that happens after a chiropractic adjustment still, to this day, amazes me.
You see, who we do our BEST work with is people dealing with stress related conditions. Those who have not found answers to their health challenges and continue to deal with chronic conditions such as migraines, headaches, digestive issues, autoimmune conditions, anxiety and the list goes on. The sole purpose of what Chiropractic aims to do is RESTORE normal function. When the body lacks the ability to adapt to its environment, the body can’t function the way it was designed. When we restore normal function and the body works the way it was designed to, we see MASSIVE changes! We see improvements in the conditions we listed above, daily! Not because the adjustment makes it go away or cures it; because the body can now normalize and work as it was intended.
Does low back pain improve when we restore normal function? YES! But should we limit who we care for by treating a symptom? Of course not! As BJ Palmer said,
“The beauty of Chiropractic is that it works with natural means. It puts nothing new into the body, nor does it take away any natural gland or organ. Chiropractic simply releases life forces within the body, sets free rivulets of energy over nerves, and lets nature do her work in a normal manner.”
As we celebrate the very first chiropractic adjustment and show gratitude to those who sacrificed their “freedom” to practice chiropractic, let’s celebrate what chiropractic really does; “works with natural means to work in a normal manner”. How beautiful is that? This week we celebrate YOU; the best practice members in the world, because you all allow us to do what we love and let us call it a “job”.
As BJ says,
“I love you because you love the things I love”
Happy Birthday Chiropractic!